Friday, April 10, 2015

the GazettE - to DAZZLING DARKNESS (meaning)

Remark : I’m not a muslim person, I use this kind of interpretation because I didn’t found this on the Job’s Book or the Psalms or another Holy Book, if you find something like this it will be so cool to share it thanks !

About who Ruki is talking ? I don’t know but !
When I saw the PV … I got sort of… « Déjà-vu » feeling… Like I heard these lyrics before…
Yes, I THINK that these lyrics and especially the song’s title … We can find it in the Quran…
The 2nd Sourat, Al-Bakara, Verse XVII…

« Their example is that of one who kindled a fire, but when it illuminated what was around him, God took away their light and left them in DARKNESS [so] they COULD NOT SEE. »

What’s the DAZZLE ?

I have a definition here which says :
« Deprive of sight temporarily: to make somebody temporarily unable to see » - Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Here it’s the VERB meaning, but there is the adjective DAZZLING which means : « 
very bright: bright enough to deprive somebody of sight temporarily » - Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

But darkness can’t be VERY BRIGHT NOT ? So this DAZZLING is the present continious form of the verb DAZZLE which means make somebody temporarily unable to see « transitive and intransitive verb (3rd person present singular dazzles, present participle dazzling, past and past participle dazzled ».
Or from that Quran’s Verse it’s IN DARKNESS so THEY COULD NOT SEE

Whom are THEY ?

Let’s go back 11 verses behind :
7 : God has set a seal upon THEIR hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil…
9 : And of the people ARE SOME who say, « WE BELIEVE in God and the Last Day » but THEY are NOT BELIEVERS
11 : And when it said to them «  Do not cause Corruption on the Earth » they say : « We are but REFORMERS »

I don’t know but it’s a kind of … Anti-freemasonery song like always from Gazetto…

Snapshoots :

« Their example is that of one who kindled a fire » :

« but when it illuminated what was around him » :

 « God took away their light » :

« and left them in DARKNESS [so] they COULD NOT SEE. » :

 Referance signs are present in the PV :

Invoking symbols (devil's invocation's triangle):

 Vatican's ceiling (chapel sixtine):

 One eyed Ruki:


 And this:

Lyrics Decryption :

The first Paragraph :

« Now
The curtain's falling down
In the light
That will be shadows soon
Going with the darkness »

Now : indicate the present time… This era, age full of wars and conflicts all around the world…
The curtain’s falling down : The curtain falls in the theater after the SHOW, so here Ruki is indicating that A SHOW is finished… I found that GazettO said, answering what’s the meaning of TO DAZZLING DARKNESS : the end of their concert or show… But please ! Do you believe in such “let me in peace” answer?! The show who finished honestly no idea! But it may be … The life! So the show is the earth life… and the end of this show is the end of the World… It’s like GazettO are singing in the End of the world… So the NOW word refer to JUDGEMENT DAY.
In the light: Or into the light... Light refers the TRUTH! … otherwise… God (for religious persons)


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