Thursday, September 4, 2014

Signification of "Moi Dix Mois"

I saw that many persons are asking about the meaning of Moi Dix Mois
So I decided to share my thought with its meaning’s applicants

First I’ll talk about the verbal meaning, you must know that Moi, Dix and Mois are French terms, were:
- Moi means Me or I
-Dix means Ten (10)
-Mois means month
So we can traduce “Moi Dix Mois” by “Me Ten Months”… It’s meaningless isn’t it?

So I want to talk with you about the second meaning, that you can’t find anywhere else, it’s the numerological meaning, yes I’m talking about the hidden or true name locked or coded by numbers and then reformed with another letters, performing another words and meaning … And sometimes it’s ‘meaningless’!
Talking about numbers, we all know that we’re use the decimal system all over the world in many different estates!
This decimal system count on 10 symbols, decimal is for Dix, in Latin language we say Decem, so decimal, anyway, these 10 symbols are [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] and the final one is 9, the perfect one, I’ll don’t explain why Mana used the GEMATRIA coder system, but I’ll just explain how do we crypt a word using it, it’s so easy, we have 26 letters in Latin’s alphabet, so the A is 1 the B is 2, C is 3 … Z is 26, ok the GEMATRIA coder system keep this values multiplied by 9, so A become 9 and B become 18, 3 become 27 … Z become 234.
Notice that 1+8= 9 and 2+7=9 and 2+3+4 = 9 too! Any value multiplied by 9 gives always NINE!
So let’s do it with MOI first!
M = 13 and O = 15 and I = 9 so Moi in GEMATRIA c.s. is: (13x9) + (15x9) + (9x9) = (13+15+9) x 9 = 37 x 9 = 333
And if we do it with DIX we have:
D = 4 and I = 9 and X = 24 so DIX in GEMATRIA c.s. is: (4x9) + (9x9) + (24x9) = (4+9+24) x 9 = 37 x 9 = 333
Moi Dix gives 666
The others MOIS give 333 + Sx9 = 333 + (19x9) = 333 + 171 = 504 … honestly I don’t see ‘Mois’ as a coded word

For me, « Moi Dix Mois » means « 666 Months »!

I’m a little convicted by this meaning, remember, the decimal system ends in 9, so 10 is a new beginning for this series, like human’s  birth come after 9 months of pregnancy, the tenth month is the first for the baby, and remember that 6+6+6 gives 9! So 666 Months or 9 Months of pregnancy, are just a formation of a new life, give a look to this…
The text in these images is an official one, you can find these photos in the “Zy[zi] Stylish Community and Rock Magazine”, let me traduce this ‘broken’ French >_< :

“The time will be fulfilling soon.
The darkness falls more deeply.”
“And the world is fascinated by the darkness.
Falling in the dark world. ”

The time that will be fulfilling soon is the nine months of pregnancy, or preparation and formation of the ‘baby’ or the ‘new life’, nine, I’m talking about 666 that also means ‘Moi Dix’, fulfilling soon means that soon, these nine months will finish, all complete, fulfil…
The darkness falls more deeply, emm I think that Mana want to say that darkness will pull down this time to the abyss, here’s the ‘birth’ or ‘dix’ ‘s allusion…
So for me, and from these I would say completely that Moi Dix Mois means, project 666, or the steps of the new world, or preparation to a new life, and please don’t get the 666 as THE BEAST’s NUMBER, because the beast’s number is a code for the real name of the antichrist (if we go from the Apocalypse) you should know that in GEMATRIA, Lucifer is coded by 666, Jesus too! The word ‘Killing’ also… And! The coder system’s name too!
L(12) +U(21) + C(3) + I(9) + F(6) + E(5) + R(18) = 74
J(10) + E(5) + S(19) + U(21) + S(19) = 74
K(11) + I(9) + L(12) + L(12) + I(9) + N(14) + G(7) = 74
G(7) + E(5) + M(13) + A(1) + T(20) + R(18) + I(9) + A(1) = 74
74 x 9 = 666 … So don’t mix everything! ^^’

Other thing!

Moi and Dix have the same number, so in mathematics’ logic when we have MOI = 333 and DIX = 333 so automatically MOI = DIX … Ok who’s DIX? Yes who, it’s a person! He’s always with Mana from the beginning… No it’s not K, neither Seth! …

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